How To Change Welcome Log On Screen On Windows | Download Application

                          When i thought of changing the log on screen of my pc, i came to know about this app. It is a simple one and we can easily apply our desired image. This has no side-effects on your computer. It does not affect the speed of your computer as some applications do. This just configures the image file set up by the computer. There are also certain theme packages for windows such as the Windows 7 regional wallpapers package which comes with 6 images with same resolution. The default themes such as the Characters, Architecture etc are all this type of themes. I have given a sample Wallpaper pack.          

                                                Download Welcome Log On Changer

                                                 Download Sample Wallpaper Pack

                      Download the files through the link given above. Then Open:

           Change Welcome Log On Screen >> APPLICATION >> Win7LogonBackgroundChanger


                       A window will appear as shown below. If you want, you can open the Sample wallpaper pack folder [ Russia ] and select any one wallpaper from it. Or select the above given any one wallpaper. Or select a personal one for your comfort. That's it!!!!  You can get your very own Welcome Log On Screen.

               If this not works, you can try Method 1 [or] Method 2. It worked for me, I hope it will work for you also.

                 Hope you found this post useful! For any queries or feedback, please leave a comment!

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